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CSI 62-303-1-2 gallon pack Ceram-XX Car Polish (Gallon) Single Product Polish (SPP)

Tom Horvath the owner of CSI brought single product polishing to the automotive world in 1996. Back then it was just a dream. Today CSI has taken single product polishing to a whole new level with Ceram-XX polish. This product challenges the entire global polishing market with one product that will remove super deep 600 grit color sanding scratches and finish with the same product, CSI says it can't be beat only copied. 

Single product polishing is safer, faster and less expensive then traditional three product polishing systems, and now with the introduction of XX-Ceram-X polish its faster then ever. 

Our original Ceram-X polish was created in 2008 and professionally stood the polishing market on its marketing ear by claiming you never need compound, that was along time ago. 

Today if you are a home hobbyist and you are looking to remove a scratch XX is the product for you.

If you are a bodyshop owner and you desire a swirl free finish every time, XX is the product for you. 

If you manufacture of GulfStream Aircraft with the most expensive paint finishes on the planet XX is for you. 

From big to small XX answers the problem of polishing paint. 

As we roll this product out in the next coming weeks we will have more added sizes like 8oz for small shops and home hobbyist and for super large users please call us for special discount rates. 

Contact Tom Horvath 714-906-6619 or thorvath@clearcoatsolutions.com 

The product and technology cannot be beat. It's super easy to use and less time and money because of the single product technology. 


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